Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Really...A month?

I'm embarassed at myself that it has been over one month since I've posted. Shame on me! Especially since I vowed to be better at this. But, as my Mommy friends know, unless I stay up to 2AM, I don't always get some down time to be on the computer for long periods of time; and if any of you know me pretty well, you know I do good to stay awake past 10PM!

I'm enjoying a quiet morning as Logan spent the night with Brian's mom, MiMi, last night. His Dad, Paw, was out of town and he was going to spend the day with her today anyway, so he just slept over to keep his MiMi safe from booger-bears LOL! He LLLOOOVVVEESS his grandparents! He sometimes prefers the four of them over his own Mom & Dad!

We are all doing well. Nothing amazingly exciting is going on in our world. I'm still working, when I have time, on practicing my photography skills, but the time has been limited. Logan does not like to sit still for Mommy to practice on him, so I'm going to have to start finding different subjects and/or calling on friends with more cooperative kids so that I don't lose my interest. While it is something that takes time and dedication, I don't want it to get lost in the shuffle as I really love the creative outlet aspect.

I am excited about a Bible study that I'm going thru this month. It is a Marriage class/Bible study that was written and being led by a dear friend at chuch, Rhonda Miller. I'm only in week 1 and am loving it! She also gives us little subtle "exercises" to do thru the week for our hubbies, and the funny thing is that it may go completely unnoticed, but will come back to us full circle one day. ;-) If any of you have seen the movie Fireproof of read Love Dare, you get the idea.

I'm popping in on my fellow bloggers to check in on you...Hope you all are well and I will try my very best to not get so behind again.

1 comment:

Living4Him said...

OH honey! I thought summer was going to be my "down time!" I have been so busy! We want you guys to come down soon! I will e-mail you!
Love Alison