Yes, I say first because as rough as Logan plays, I fear there may be more like this in our future. Yesterday, Brian was letting Logan sit on the kitchen counter while he was cooking lunch when Logan fell from the counter onto our tile floor on his left shoulder. At first, Brian said he didn't seem like he was hurt, then when he started moving around, he kept favoring his left shoulder and started to cry - a lot and loud! So, he started checking him out and saw a knot on his shoulder. We loaded him up and off to Children's Hospital we went. While we all know that ER trips are neither fun or swift, it was especially stressful Sunday as their computer system was down. This lengthened the process by twice the normal amount of time. Since we went immediately after church, none of us had eaten lunch and it was 4 o'clock before we were released. Poor Logan was hungry and tired, but all in all, he held up well. After some x-rays, they determined that his left clavicle/collarbone was broken. :-( So we came home with him in a sling and then ace bandaged around his chest to keep his arm immobile. He didn't like it at first, but I think he's already gotten somewhat used to only having one arm to use and actually slept pretty well last night.
While we were at the hospital, I was reminded of just how truly blessed we are and how God protected Logan from much more serious injury. As we observed the other people around us, we saw other boo-boos, sickness and desperate looks on some faces. Outside our exam room, I overheard a young mother on the courtesy phone telling her family that they would be checking her son for a brain tumor due to him having unexplained seizures that day. It broke my heart and then humbled me all at the same time. I thought, here I am, worried crazy over a broken collar bone and yet some families are here for much worse and won't get to go home to their comfy beds and warm houses tonight. Some will be diagnosed with broken bones required surgery, life threatening illnesses, or even be sent away still not having answers. We are truly grateful that Logan was spared worse injury and for the Lord's protection.
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