Tuesday, November 3, 2009

5 Things I Know For Sure...

I was tagged by my dear friend Alison, so here we go...

I have decided to make this post interactive.I am going to "Tag" two other bloggers at the end and you are to post about "5 Things You Know For Sure" Copy this section at the top of your post and include a link to the blog of the person who tagged you. Have fun and be creative!

1) No matter what life throws at you, with faith and prayer, you WILL get through it.

2) Although we try to teach/do differently, an 18 mth old will be OK if he will only eat mac 'n cheese & fruit!

3) Pulling out the vacuum in our house, is apparently a green light for a little fella to crumble his teddy grahams into the carpet?!?

4) There is nothing on daytime TV but soaps & talkshows...BLAH!

5) Having the flu stinks, but sure does give me time to catch up on blogging, photos and reading.

I tag Jennifer Bauer and Brandy Totten...Have fun!

1 comment:

Living4Him said...

Thanks for participating! I love your answers! I am so sorry that you have been so sick and we have been praying hard for all of you guys! Hope you feel better SOON!!!