Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

He is not here, for he is risen, as he said.
~Matthew 28:6~

I made an attempt at Logan's Spring/Easter pics last weekend. We took him over to the old homeplace on McCulley Hill. It was nice to see him running and playing on the land my grandparents held so dear. It brought back a flood of memories as I thought about the nights we camped out waiting on Lady, the horse, to have a colt; or the Sunday afternoons we spent riding.
Logan really enjoyed the openiness and freedom. He just ran and ran until his little legs were buckling! We hope to have a family egg hunt next year with all of the Blake great-grandchildren. GrandMaw & PawPaw Blake would be so delighted to see all the kids running about!
I hope you & your family have a Blessed Easter! During all the egg fun and family dinners, may we never lose sight of the real reason we celebrate Easter!

1 comment:

Living4Him said...

Love, Love, Love the pics!!

I went a little crazy with the editing on mine. I have always been a more natural kinda person when it comes to my pics. Anyway, Yours are GREAT!!
