Monday, May 10, 2010

Did you like the planes? NO!

We took some family time Saturday afternoon and caught the Blue Angels airshow at the Tuscaloosa Airport. We parked a couple blocks away and hung out in the back of truck as they ripped, roared and raced thru the sky. It was a great show and never ceases to amaze me at how perfectly formed they stay and how close they fly...Talk about precision! Logan had fun pointing out the planes and enjoyed the show for the most part until one flew directly overhead. It came up from behind and you had no idea it was coming until it was right on top of us with its deafening roar. Needless to say he was scared out his wits! He refused to keep earplugs in, so Brian was covering his ears, but it was still so loud & sudden that it just took him by surprise. After a minute or two he was good to go again. When we were leaving I asked him if he had fun, to which he responded NO! I asked if he liked the planes and he said NO! It was funny as his answer was so serious and how quickly he went from liking them to disliking them...He's such a character sometimes!

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