Friday, May 22, 2009

I haven't forgotten you...

This is one of those "Sorry I've been so MIA lately...." post, but things have been hectic! Between Mothers Day, sickness and starting photography classes, by the time I have some down time, I've been selfish with it. ;-) But, I have been meaning to get around to posting, so here I am with an update...

Mothers Day - I had a great Mothers Day! While this was technically my second, it really felt more like a first because last year, Logan was just shy of two weeks old and I was recovering from my section and just wasn't feeling it. Don't get me wrong, I'll always remember my FIRST Mothers Day, but it was just different this year in that I was hearing Logan say Momma and getting hugs/kisses from him...It was so great!

Logan has been sick with a terrible cold or upper respitory issue. The doc didn't pin point a specific, just that it was not the flu and he was battling a virus. He was spiking high fevers in the evenings, scaring Brian and I, but thankfully they would come down quickly with baths and Tylenol and we didn't have to make an ER trip. He's feeling better now, but still has a bit of a cough.

Ahhh, photography classes...I had been wanting to go to classes ever since I got my DSLR back in February, but couldn't get my schedule together. I'm taking classes from The Birmingham School of Photography in Homewood and fortunately, they do classes month-to-month instead of semesters long, so I'm able to pick/choose classes at my convenience. I'm currently in the Intro to Digital Photography where I've been learning lots about using manual mode instead of good 'ole reliable automatic. It really is fun and I find it more rewarding to get a good photo that I had control of the settings rather than a "snapshot." I have two weeks under my belt so far. The pics below are from week one and are my first ever shots using manual mode. This week, I am to work on composition, depth of field and freezing actions. It's been so cool and I can't wait to see my photography grow!

1 comment:

Living4Him said...

You keep posting your shots EVERY week! I will be setting by...waiting!