Friday, February 5, 2010

Maybe this is not what I'm meant to do...

The last few weeks have been really a bad struggle with keeping my spirit, patience, attitude and emotions in check when it comes to dealing with Logan. He has begun to become increasingly clingy/whiny and very insistent on doing things for him. While I know it could be a phase (let's hope), it has brought me to the point of examining myself and wondering if perhaps being at home with him is not the best thing for me and our family. While I know that some may read this and say, "What? Isn't that what everyone mothers wants is to be home with her kids?!?!?" And my answer would be absolutely! However, I do not like the person I've become as far as handling everything. I've gotten so overwhelmed that I take it out on Brian, Logan and even the dog! So my burning question to myself is "Is it time to go back to work full time?" I've heard some moms say that staying at home just wasn't for them and maybe it's not for me. Maybe it would be better for me to be away during the day and come home excited about seeing Logan and Brian, rather than wincing on the inside everytime something goes awry at the house. I don't want to become a bitter mom who Logan thinks just yells at him all the time LOL! *sigh* Just had to get this off my chest...please don't think I don't love my husband and family. Being a wife and mother is the highest calling there is. I just want to do my best at it and know that I've been failing lately. If you've taken the time to read this, thank you and I covet your prayers that the Lord will lead me the way He would have me go and grants me the patience needed for dealing with a strong-willed toddler. :-)

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